To many of us The Renaissance is known as a period in History around the 15th & 16th Centuries that marked the end of the middle ages and started the era now known as Modernity. It’s a Period that conjures up nostalgic imagery of divinely inspired frescoes crafted by masters of linear perspective and larger than life sized sculptures depicting ancient heroes adorning the entrances of majestic looking cathedrals somewhere in Florence, Italy. But the Renaissance was much more than merely an aesthetically beautiful and transformational time for art, it also brought with it educational reform and a resurgence of classical ideas stemming from Athens and Rome. In other words, there was a spike in intellectual pursuit and, through the lens of humanism, a desire to seek truth via new and innovative methods. Thus the Renaissance can be thought of as a cultural movement that influenced philosophy, art, architecture, literature, music, science, technology, politics and religion. An influence that can still be felt today, many centuries later.
What is The Western Renaissance? And when did it start?
In my opinion the start of The Western Renaissance can probably be flagged somewhere around 2017 with the rise of the “Intellectual Dark Web.” A term coined by Eric Weinstein (an IDW member), this group was comprised of brilliant, disparate and almost reluctant voices who basically all had ONE commonality between them. They objected fervently to the orthodoxy of the day which happened to be postmodern radical leftism (otherwise known as “Wokeism” or “Cultural Marxism”). An ideology which WAS and STILL IS permeating rampantly throughout western culture. These individuals saw this orthodoxy as a serious threat to western civilization and each used their respective platforms to speak out against its major proponents and the institutions who aided in its proliferation. Unfortunately this group was short-lived and some of its former members are no longer on speaking terms. They are all, however, still very active in the battle of ideas and prominent voices in the current culture war. Today, it is 7 years since the unofficial formation of the IDW and although the group has since dissolved, the threat to western civilization has NOT. In fact, given recent chants by pro palestinian activists explicitly shouting, “death to America,” I would argue we are still in a fight for our civilization, and in a fight for our lives.
So What is the Western Renaissance? It is regular folks like you and me becoming concerned citizens and picking up where the IDW left off. It’s taking it upon ourselves individually to battle against this existential threat that targets our children and puts our future at risk. It is a resurgence of our classical origins and the core values that got us this far. Personal Freedom, an adherence to reason and logic, a basic acknowledgement (even a halfhearted one) of our undergirding judeo-christian roots, the right to own private property, the rule of law and Constitutional Government, a free market economy, and last but not least an unabashed and unapologetic sense of national pride and Western Chauvinism. That is the Western Renaissance.
I write this with sincere hope that centuries from today, people will look back at The Western Renaissance as a Period in the 21st century when the threat of the fall of the west was thwarted by everyday citizens who became involved in their own society, in their own culture, and saw that it was worth saving. Citizens who looked inside their own hearts and found the courage to take a stand.
I submit this article as an affirmation of my own conviction to these ends, and as a pledge of allegiance to this country and to the western values it was founded upon. Furthermore I would align myself with anyone, man or woman, of like mind and of like purpose, who would also aim themselves at this imperative and be called a proud daughter or proud son of the west. Let us rally our forces respectfully and dutifully as we raise again the powerful mantle left behind by that unlikely group in 2017.